Saturday, February 19, 2011
My Man.... Your Baby Daddy
Some baby mama's think that a child entitles them to full access to the father 24/7 and to a certain extent it does, but when does access become abusive? What does the child need at 3am? Why do some "baby mama's" call more than the child? Why do some baby mama's get upset with the new lady in the father's life, when the problems or lack of interest in you have been in existence before his woman was even in the picture? The woman verses the baby mama..... now I'm not saying all women or baby mama's are out to make the father and his woman miserable but there are plenty of women out there who make it a daily routine to create drama! A missed call, and now his phone won't stop ringing, crazy text messages and threats of taking the child away are all tactics used to get the father's attention. Ladies don't let this foolishness ruin you and your man's day or relationship! My advise is stay out of that mess because it's like I said if it's not you then it will be the next woman he decides to settle down with. If you are dealing with a crazy baby mama you can expect her to stop at nothing to get you out of the picture, she will talk about you to her friends or anybody that will listen, accuse you of encouraging him to neglect his child(ren), she may even try to destroy your reputation with rumors and lies but don't fall for her childish ta tics or you will be out of the picture quicker than you think. Now if the drama is to much to deal with then end the relationship. But at all times remain respectful and maintain a positive relationship with the child(ren)! Always remain a lady your man will thank you for it! To the women who chose to take on the responsibility don't get sucked into the madness, don't lose your composure keep the peace for the sake of the child because every child deserves to have their father in their life. Be his support system because some of these women are so miserable that they will stop at nothing to get you out of the picture when they know it's no way they will ever have a relationship with the father of their child(ren). Eventually, the drama will come to an end but don't be surprised if it starts all over again be prepared for anything! If you're lucky she (baby mama) will find another man to occupy her mind so that you and your man can have some peace and a chance to bond with the child in the relationship! Good luck ladies.....
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I have found that most "baby mommas" are most times tripping because this so called "MAN" never completely closed that chapter of his life. Most are still dipping back with "baby momma" and so yes it is hard for her to move on because he keeps lingering in her life and in her bed. This is not to say ther are not still crazy women out there because there are those who are out to destroy happiness. When any woman enters into a relationship with a man or woman who already has kids. She or he should make sure that person has handled there business to ensure drama will be minimal. No DRAMA is asking for perfection but make sure that person has a working mature relationship. If not then he or she needs to evaluate if that is something they want to enter into. I agree maturity, responsiblity, and love for the children is what should be focused on. I say when all else fails walk away because the last thing this child(ren) need is another bitter adult in their lives.