Tuesday, April 12, 2011


See this ish is not funny any more! Frankie failed her routine drug test at her parole officer meeting and he sent her ass back to the slammer! MAAAAAN DOWN! Well it's safe to say Celebrity Rehab didn't help. Frankie get it together!

Frankie's publicist is speaking up on Frankie's behalf and she claims that Frankie didn't show up for her meeting with her probation officer she was in rehab..... well it doesn't make any sense to me because, why do you need rehab if you are sober and why wouldn't she be able to leave rehab for an hour or two to take care of her business with her PO???? Yeah, no I think they found chemicals in this ladies system.....
Her publicist stated that Frankie is trying to change her images because she has grandchildren..... #NotBuyingIt

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