Sunday, December 18, 2011


Vanessa Bryant is finally fed up with Kobe's cheating ways, and has decided to file for divorce. Sources say that she didn't find a text or e-mail she caught Kobe and this was the last straw. Details haven't been released about who the other  woman is or exactly when and where did she catch Kobe's cheating ass. I  did know he was cheating, I thought he had learned his lesson after the Denver rap back in the day. Evidently, according to the rumors Vanessa has been dealing with Kobe's cheating ways for a while, they have been married since April 2001 so she stuck it out as long as she could, after dealing with a public rap case and two kids later she is finally ready to move on plus I think with these kind of celebrity marriages the longer your married the more money you get.... somebody call Juanita Jordan because she got paid, lol! No but seriously, I hope that this divorce doesn't get ugly but then again some details about what happen wouldn't hurt! Who is the other woman? And where did she catch them? Oh well I'll wait..... I  can't wait to hear the ridiculous amount of money she's gonna get..... checkout a few pictures of the couple when they were supposed to be happy!

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