Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Well the verdict is in for Dr. Murray, he has been sentenced to four years in prison for the death of our beloved Michael Jackson. Murray has lost everything providing his client with a service that cost him his life. What was Dr, Murray thinking? I can just about imagine what he was thinking as he injected Michael Jackson with Propofol, "dolla, dolla bills yal"! And it's such a shame especially since he comes from such a humble background in the Caribbeans. I'm sure the last thing Dr. Murray expected when he started his journey. I hate to say it but he is a coward, he was afraid to tell Michael "no". This whole thing could have ended on a positive note, Michael Jackson would still be alive and let's keep it real Dr. Murray's ass would be for hire but seriously he would still have his licence to practice. That's why all money aint' good money and when you make decisions based on business always have integrity no matter who it is, we are all people.

Okay now let's talk about that $100 million dollar restitution the court has ordered Murray to pay to the Jackson family! Really. That man won't ever have a dime of his money ever again, can you imagine owing Joseph Jackson?  As far as his jail time goes some say he won't have to do four years, and the he would probably get a reduced sentence to serve in the count jail due to over crowding in the California penal system. I can't say he caught a break with the reduced sentence because he still has to serve his probation and they gone stay in his pockets too. Murray just can't win for losing, and sometimes that's the price you pay when you know right from wrong in the end his fate was unfavorable, he will always be known as the doctor that killed Michael Jackson, he lost his licence, got sentenced to four years, has to serve probation and he owes $100 million dollars in restitution. I don't have anything positive to say on Murray's behalf he should've had the courage to tell Michael Jackson, "no I can't jeopardize your health like that, I won't have your blood on my hands".

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